See you at SIGGRAPH 09 in New Orleans!

Friday, July 31, 2009 | 12:00 PM


SIGGRAPH 2009 is starting on Monday in New Orleans, LA. Google will have a booth in the exhibition hall showcasing its latest graphics technologies including O3D. I'll be hanging out at the O3D demo station in the booth where I'll be running live demos off the web and be around to answer questions. The exhibition is open from Tuesday through Thursday of the conference. So if you're attending the conference, stop by and say hi -- Google is right in the middle between Halls F and G.

While you're visiting the Google booth, you can also check out our other demos. We'll be showing Click2Go which uses a 3D aware cursor to allow you to more smartly navigate while in StreetView. You can play with SketchUp to make a model and then bring it into O3D. And you can feel like you're flying at the Google Earth demo which we'll be showing on a 56" 8 megapixel flat panel.

I'll also be doing a demo at the Blender booth on Wednesday afternoon from 3-4pm showing how you can bring models from Blender and other programs into O3D.

I'm pretty excited about the conference this year. The lineup of speakers, talks and courses looks fantastic. I'm looking forward to some of the real-time graphics talks and game papers, in particular. And of course, I'm also looking forward to getting some authentic Creole food while I'm in town!